October 2010 Church School - 10/16/10

Fr. Peter explained Proskomedia, when he prepares the Holy Gifts
Children learned how this is done/the meaning behind every word & action
Chalkboard & diagrams were used, w/ actual Holy Vessels & utensils used by the priest
Commemoration was explained, with the children taught how to prepare a list of names of the living & the dead for the priest to commemorate in the proskomedia
Mr. Mahar our prosphora baker, taught the children how to bake prosphora
Each student baked one loaf for the living and one for the dead
During the proskomedia on Sunday Fr. actually commemorate those names
Children working very hard and getting rather "dusty" with the flour
Rachael, Rebekah and Samantha design our sidewalks with chalk masterpieces
George, Kaitlyn and Anastasia play hopscotch
Boys play soccer. Margie, Lubov and Fr. Peter are observing
Gregory and Joe battle for the ball
David is setting up the ball for a pass
. David in action